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Oil Paintings
You will find these original paintings and more at
"Ahead of the Storm"
Oil on canvas 16 x 20
"Back to the Barn"
Oil on canvas 12 x 16
"Born Late"
Oil on canvas 28 x 36
"Cow Country Tragedy"
Oil on canvas 20 x 30
Oil on canvas 22 x 28
"Dusty Wheels"
Oil on canvas 22 x 15
"Old Bill"
Pastel 16 x 14
"Old Yock"
Pastel 16 x 14
Oil on canvas 16 x 22
"Running Mates"
Oil on canvas 28 x 38
"Save The Grub"
Oil on canvas 26 x 44
"Self Portrait"
Oil on canvas 36 x 28
"Spring Water"
Oil on canvas 18 x 24
The Drive to Summer Range
Print 30 x 40
"This is a Horse"
Oil on canvas 14 x 10
"Waiting on the Boss"
Oil on canvas 14 x 18
Pen & Ink / Pastel
Pen & Ink
Untitled - Indian Child
Original pastel 12 x 10
"Alert and Ready"
12 x 10
"Colt Start"
12 x 10 (approx)
"Borrowed From Great Grandmother"
Watercolor 8 x 10 (approx)
Self Portrait
Pencil 8 x 10 (approx)
"Little Beaver"
Watercolor 25 x 20 (approx)
Red Ryder - Daily Single 1
8 x 10 (approx)
Red Ryder - Daily Single 2
8 x 10 (approx)
Red Ryder - Daily Single 3
8 x 10 (approx)
"Ranch Scene"
10 x 12 (approx)
"Taxi for the Boss"
20 x 24 (approx)
"Navajo Weaver"
10 x 12 (approx)
"The Duchess"
Watercolor 18 x 24 (approx)
8 x 10 (approx)
"The Hitch Hiker"
13 x 18
"The Squatter"
8 x 10 (approx)
"The Warning"
8 x 10 (approx)
8 x 10 (approx)
"Desert Cart"
20 x 24 (approx)
"What's Next?"
13 x 18 (approx)
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